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Suburb Houses

Downsizing and Relocation Services

Reflecting on Your Reasons for Downsizing: A Guided Approach by Legacy Investments


Contemplating a move to a smaller home? It's important to delve into your motivations for downsizing. Understanding your 'why' can streamline your journey, ensuring you don’t overwhelm yourself with too many tasks at once.


  • Financial Efficiency: Are large home expenses weighing you down? Bigger properties often come with hefty maintenance costs and higher monthly expenses. Moving to a more compact home could not only ease your financial burden but also enhance your ability to save for unforeseen events or retirement.

  • Optimizing Space: Do you feel your current space is overstuffed? Downsizing isn't just about moving to a smaller property; it's also about reassessing what you own. This might be the perfect time to swap out bulky furniture for something more space-efficient, or to sift through accumulated belongings to determine what truly adds value to your life.

  • Repurposing Rooms: Could your empty nest be reimagined? If you have rooms that once belonged to your children, consider transforming them into functional spaces like guest rooms or a home office. A fresh coat of paint and updated furniture can breathe new life into these spaces.

  • Navigating Life Changes: Are you going through a significant life transition, such as a divorce? Selling a property that's no longer financially feasible and finding a new home that fits your budget can be a wise decision in these circumstances.

  • Safety and Accessibility: Is your current home suitable for your mobility needs? For aging homeowners, a large house can pose challenges in terms of navigation and upkeep. Downsizing to a more manageable and safer space can also alleviate the financial strain, especially for those on a fixed income.


In your downsizing journey, it's important to consider not just the physical move, but also the emotional and practical reasons behind it. Legacy Investments is here to help guide you through this process with empathy and expertise, ensuring that your transition to a smaller home aligns with your lifestyle needs and financial goals.

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